Wailing Songs

Did you know Pandora's box was actually a vase ?   She bumped it ... fell off the shelf ... never really liked the damned thing anyway.  You know how sometimes someone gives you something so beautiful it makes everything else on the shelf look like crap ?  So maybe it might have been subconscious. Whatever.

But nonetheless it wasn't a box, it was a very fragile vase.

She had just been built by Athena and Hephaestus, and pretty much every other god they could think of at the time, as the first woman ever.  And then they gave her a vase.   She was very ... honored ... ?  So then she put it on the shelf, rearranged the house to try to deal with it and then stared at it all night because of how much she actually hated it.

Still an accident though.

And then came the family dinner ... and everyone's like "Where's that really gaudy vase we all gave you ?"

Awkward silence ...

'the shattering' ~

I felled
The vase.
Another false face.
Now look what's inside at the pieces we hide

! No More !

Blow away in the winds of the shattering.
Start anew there's no me that's still mattering.

What to do try the glue it's the door.
Pick up all the pieces up off of the floor.

Now lift up the rug,
And give up a hug,
Now find the right rope and then give it a tug.

Don't ask about Hope.

I said I don't need it I told you I found it completely depleted not being conceited I don't want to fight but this pattern's repeated and no one's ever right !

So I shattered it.


"be there Persephone"

so tell me the hell we just walked through was worth it.
don't fell me nor sell me unlocked,
the womb
we birthed it.

make ! mirth ! it's no worse than the girth of hell's curse,
we've felt it before and we'll feel it no more.

so birth
the curse
and ride
the hearse.

. . . .

the driver you'll feel
no worse

for wear
and tear
will always be shared.

. . . .

take care
and watch for the mare, brush your hair in the mirror now stare

. . . .

just look in your eyes
and mine
will always be there.


"feast" - a heavy drum

Pardoned of the crime
After all the time was served ...
Deserved in the least
Is the freedom to the feast.

Now released
And deceased
Run on sentence for the beast.
To be free
To be free
After pieces have been pieced.


All the old haunts ...
Archaeology Ruins !
They did it en-passant
By the by law's how they do it ...

Now released
Is the beast
And so feral is the feast

So !

Barrel up the yeast

To make a fine wine.


"next to me" - drums for the Goddess
(male and female vocals, female chorus)

can you pick the lock
do you talk
will you throw the die

will you walk your talk
do you mock
can you tell me why

can you do your don't
but you won't
and you can't
so you never will, shan't !

so you'll never plant your seed inside of me
and i know you cannot see beside of me

right next to me
- she can see

- you ...


but you can't
so you won't
- so you never will see her

so you don't
- and yet you're so eager

can you pick the lock
do you talk
will you throw the die

do you walk your talk
will you mock
now you know just why

you'll never plant your seed inside of me
and i know you cannot see beside of me

right next to me
- she can see

- you ...

"the recipe"

Pounding hearts a hammer's nail
Coffin wood, coffin should
Never be too frail.

Because the time will come in handy.

You'll need a toad bufo
and a pile of bone.
Then a fish fugu
and a clay pot too.
Now frog hyla
then ask Legba.
Put honey in his gin
just before you begin

Now dance to the Baron
And share the rum
Take up the machete
While they're beating the drum.

Dance and dance and pound that nail.

Keep plant datura for when the eye wakes.
Quench it's thirst and hold it as it shakes.

Keep it's soul in the pot, to hold as a boon.
Tell it where to go.
Tell it what to do.
Tomorrow you'll be free,
Dearest servant mine ...

... always someday soon.

Plant datura, a little every day,
Until in time comes it's day to exalt.
To set your lovely servant free,
Simply smash it's jar and give it's body salt.

Pounding hearts a hammer's nail
Coffin wood, coffin should
Never be too frail

Because the time will come in handy.


"the bearer's heart"

     It was not Lilith, but her sister Namaah who placed her fire into the next bearer's heart.  And it was in her demise that Madness was born.  There is no analogy with which to wipe your tears.  This is primordial Loss.

And revenge.

    'Twas all there was for him to seek until the day he found it.  And carrying their heads and then, he sat himself down, upon the stump.  Was it insanity that he could feel her in his heart again ?  Alive ?

"Was my sacrifice finally enough, my Love ?"

     And so into this world he began his hunt, born and born again, body to body through time and space, seeking forever his eternal beloved, most dear and precious Naamah.  He'll put this World on his Pyre as a Sacrifice to her Love, if only to Dream of having it Back !

     To him she was All women ... and at her loss all women have Become her, as shards of her now fractured existence ... a torturous horror to her remembrance.  Deep beneath the most quiet of perfumes, all do to him smell the tiniest bit like her as every street mocks the bearer of her light.

"It was their Love which brought the light of day and her Death which brings the night, as once a day he shall Suffer it."

     It isn't his book he's after ... no.  He will tear this world Quite literally to Pieces and the Storms will Not cease.  Wars will Rage while whole Cities do Burn and the Earth it will Quake until TORN !  Unless and until this world finds a way to Return to Him his Love ... and therein a Secret I reveal.

It's neither Lucifer nor Solomon, his Name is Razil.

"You may Keep my damned book !  It's all in my Head !  You never Could read it properly anyway ... Just Give me Back my ! WIFE ! "

     He sees her in All women, as all women are truly Namaah.  And he Can Not be satisfied until he has what he Cannot !  So Beware one and all, the Heart of Razil, no matter How beautiful it may appear to yours ...

For in it lies only her Madness !